
High Quality Performance Boosters 
SoilBiotics Fertilizers maximize plant performance through high-quality nutrient blends. Product options are available for conventional and organic crop programs, with some suitable for both production systems. SoilBiotics Fertilizers are optimized for use with SoilBiotics Soil Amendment products, supporting overall soil and plant health.
From seed preparation to post-harvest soil maintenance, SoilBiotics products work together to provide a continuous and highly beneficial input program that will meet and surpass your agricultural needs. Our high-quality inputs lay the foundation for crop success, encouraging plants to reach their highest potential.  
Use our Product Inquiry Form to learn more about how SoilBiotics can help you succeed acre after acre, or email us at marketing@soilbiotics.com.


Conventional Use
CAL-10 is a calcium-based plant food that is compatible with most conventional inputs, liquid nitrogen, herbicides, fungicides, and microbial products. A physical compatibility test is recommended. Calcium, although classified as a secondary nutrient, is essential in that it provides the pathway for all nutrients to be transported into and throughout the plant, so availability throughout the growing season is critical. Calcium is a critical need for proper formation of cell walls and membranes. It is relatively immobile within the plant, and therefore supplemental application is often needed even in soils testing as having high calcium content.
  • Provides a continual supply of calcium to the plant
  • Proprietary formulation is sourced from naturally occurring calcium chloride brine, a renewable resource
  • Is an excellent food source for soil microbes
  • Is non-toxic, safe to handle, and contains no microbes, bacteria or biotics
  • Can be applied to most crops; foliar applied or 2x2 in the planter with UAN only
  • Is 100% naturally occurring and non-pathogenic
  • Helps to mitigate yield-robbing nutrient deficiencies during emergence and growth
  • Improves flowering and fruiting, helps minimize blossom shed
  • Improves overall plant health which helps minimize pest and disease pressure
Do not mix with any Glyphosate, 2 4 D Ester or Amine formulations, P2O5 Phosphorous or Phosphoric Acid
See Product Label for application instructions and rates, plus any Cautions or Restrictions.
CAL 10
Click on image to view label

This product should be used within the growing season
in which it was purchased.
Trials & Results


Container Tomatoes in Illinois

Celery in California

eFISHnt 5-1-2

Conventional and Organic Use
eFISHnt 5-1-2 is a fish emulsion based liquid organic fertilizer concentrate providing a rich source of nutrients that slowly break down and release nitrogen into the soil. It is designed for use in conjunction with your current fertilizer program. It is non-GMO, and is compatible with most organic and conventional starter fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, microbial products, and other crop inputs. A physical compatibility test is recommended. eFISHnt 5-1-2 can be used in both Conventional and Organic in-season growth programs. 
  • Has the ability to increase organic matter and CEC in the soil
  • Has a high amount of dissolved solids, protein Nitrogen and amino acids
  • Can be applied to most crops
  • This all-natural product may be Y-drop, side-dress or pivot irrigation applied
  • Is non-pathogenic, and contains no microbes or biotics
  • Provides slow release of N
  • Eliminates burn when applied with pesticides, oils or adjuvants
  • Is an excellent food source for soil microbes, contributing to robust growth of microbial colonies, thereby enhancing the transfer of nutrients between plants and microbes
  • Relieves plant stress in the event of drought, heat, excessive water, frost and cold-weather
See Product Label for rates and application warnings
Click on image to view label

This product should be used within the growing season
in which it was purchased.


View the Safety Data Sheet (pdf)


View the OMRI Certificate (pdf)

Trials & Results


Wheat in Ohio

Container Tomatoes in Illinois


WIU Allison Research

OS 46

Conventional Use
SoilBiotics OS-46 is a ready-to-use, urea-based granular fertilizer that gives growers a powerful tool in optimizing nutrient use. OS-46 is a unique formulation of high-quality 46-0-0 urea and SoilBiotics humic acid product. This provides growers with both N and a powerful chelator of nutrients.
OS-46 works in two primary ways:
  • OS-46 increases beneficial bacteria populations by reducing the hydrolysis rate of urea to ammonia in the soil. It buffers the change in composition, quantity and quality of total bacteria normally caused by the application of urea to the soil. 
  • OS-46 carries both positive and negative ion charges, allowing it to stabilize multiple forms of nitrogen. Carbon dioxide is neutralized, and carbonic acids act on soil minerals to release plant nutrients. Soil enzymes, (complex proteins) are stabilized by the ionic bonds.
  • Granular form for quick, even spreading and broad patterns
  • Orange colorant allows easy visual confirmation of application
  • Helps get crops off to a quick start at planting and emergence
  • Chelates soil micronutrients so they are made more available to the plants
  • Applied nutrients are more easily taken up by the plant, increasing efficiency and yields
  • Reduces nitrogen loss due to denitrification, volatilization, and leaching
  • Does not burn in side-dress applications
See Product Label for application instructions and rates, plus any Cautions or Restrictions.
OS 46
Click on image to view label

This product should be used within the growing season
in which it was purchased.


View the Safety Data Sheet (pdf)